FTC Competition Code – 2024–2025 Season
This repository contains the full competition code for FTC team 16322 Silver Storm for the 2024–2025 season. Developed using the FIRST FTC SDK, the code employs a modular, command-based architecture to manage and control multiple subsystems including drivetrain, arm, linear slides, odometry, and computer vision. Advanced PID control, custom command scheduling, and subsystem integration ensure precise autonomous routines and responsive teleop control, giving Silver Storm a competitive edge on the field.

Key Code Snippet
The snippet below illustrates the core update loop of the main OpMode, where all subsystems are periodically updated and the custom command scheduler executes the next set of commands.
public void loop() {
// Update all subsystems (drivetrain, arm, vision, etc.)
// Execute scheduled commands via the command scheduler
Relevant Links
Additional Information
The codebase for Silver Storm is built with flexibility and performance in mind. Key features include:
- A robust command-based architecture that cleanly separates autonomous routines and teleop control.
- Advanced PID controllers for precise drivetrain and mechanism control, ensuring accurate movement and positioning.
- Integrated subsystems for arm manipulation, linear slide extension, and custom computer vision processing for target detection and field navigation.
- A custom command scheduler that prioritizes and manages multiple commands in real time.
- Support for both autonomous and driver-controlled modes, providing versatility during competition.